Sbi mobile banking registration Process
सबसे पहले आप अपने मोबाइल में गूगल प्ले स्टोर से SBI फ्रीडम एप्लीकेशन डाउनलोड कर लीजये और फिर उसके बाद आप नेचे दियेया हुए विडियो को ध्यान से देख्येया और सुन्येया जिसमे मेने आप को बताया है की कैसे आप अपने sbi में Mobile banking activate kr सकते हैं ?
Step 1 .) Register Mobile Banking Using Sbi Freedom App Or SMS
a.) Get User ID and default MPIN
:Send a SMS <MBSREG> to 9223440000 You will get a User ID and default MPIN
over SMS .
:Send a SMS <MBSREG> to 9223440000 You will get a User ID and default MPIN
over SMS .
b.) Change MPIN (as showen in video below)
Step 2 .) After you have changed the MPIN successfully, you will get another message:
Validation from handset successful. Please complete registration at the ATM/
Branch / onlineSBI
Validation from handset successful. Please complete registration at the ATM/
Branch / onlineSBI
A.) Process At the Branch:-
After completing the handset validation, you can complete the registration at the Home Branch of your account, by filling up the required form. Your account will be activated for Mobile Banking Service immediately.
B.) Process At the ATM:-
After swiping the Debit Card, please choose the option ‘Mobile Registration’ and then select 'Mobile Banking’. Under Mobile Banking, choose the option ‘Registration’ , enter your mobile number and choose 'Yes'.
When the number is displayed again over the ATM screen, choose 'confirm'and collect the
transaction slip confirming the registration.
You will receive a SMS regarding activation of your account. You can then use all the services offered under the MobileBanking Service
C.) Process At Onlinesbi:-
After logging into “OnlineSBI”, select „eServices‟ and click on „State Bank Freedom‟ from the list on the left side. Ensure that the MPIN is changed before this stepand you receive a message that handset validation completed.
Select „Registration‟ from the options available on top. The list of accounts enabled for the onlineSBIuser will be displayed. Select the account (only SB/ CA) to be enabled for Mobile Banking Service and submit. This will be the primary account for the Service. Only one account can be registered through OnlineSBI. For registering
other Savings Bank/ Current accountsunder the same CIF, the customer has to approach the Home Branch of the primary account/ the other accounts that are to be enabled.
other Savings Bank/ Current accountsunder the same CIF, the customer has to approach the Home Branch of the primary account/ the other accounts that are to be enabled.